Teacher Digital Competence in Pre-service and In-service English Language Teachers: Reflections from a Doctoral Study guided by DigCompEdu Framework
Colloquium Title: Teacher Digital Competence in Pre-service and In-service English Language Teachers: Reflections from a Doctoral Study guided by DigCompEdu Framework
Abstract: This colloquium presents reflections from a mixed-method PhD dissertation that examines the impact of teacher digital competence development programs tailored specifically for pre-service and in-service English language teachers. The study engaged two distinct groups: one comprised of pre-service English teachers at a university, and the other involving in-service English teachers participating in an online professional development series. The study found statistically significant improvements in the digital competencies of both sets of teachers over time. This colloquium will unpack these findings to provide a nuanced understanding of frameworks on teacher digital competence and how teacher digital competence evolves in teaching professionals. It will also offer valuable insights into the observed benefits, challenges, and opportunities for further research and program development.
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Dr. Cemil Gokhan Karacan works as an Assistant Professor in the Department of English Language Teaching at Istanbul Medipol University in Turkey. A graduate of Istanbul University's Engish Language Teaching Department, he earned his MA and PhD in ELT from Bahcesehir University. His professional experience spans teaching English at various private and foundation institutions, and interpreting. His research interests include pre-service English language teacher education, pre-service and in-service teacher digital competence and emerging educational technologies, particularly educational augmented reality. He has published a number of research articles, book chapters and magazine pieces in international academic outlets.