Student Dissertations

Click on any Academic Year to see a list of SLAT Dissertations completed in that Academic Year. To access the full text of these dissertations, please see the University of Arizona library database.
Student Name Advisor(s) Title
Amable Custodio Ribeiro Hayriye Kayi-Aydar Academic Trajectories and Professional Identities of Graduate Students in an MA TESL Program in the United States
Michelle Vonie Jonathon Reinhardt SLA in the Digital Wilds: Fandom in a Second Language
Mariana Centanin Bertho Shelley Staples The Production of Portuguese Mid-Vowels by English-Spanish Bilinguals
Student Name Advisor(s) Title
David Lozada Gomez Peter Ecke and Mary Wildner Bassett Developing L2 Pragmatic Competence through Collaborative Dialogue: A Study on EFL Learners' Request-making in Interaction
Jaime Mejia Mayorga Sheilah Nicholas Exploring Indigeneity in English Language Teaching Through TURI AISA YA With Indigenous Miskitu Teachers of English
Hyeonah Kang Janet Nicol L2 Vocabulary Learning from Reading: Effects from Word-focused Activity Type, Learner Variables, Announcement, and Reading Behavior
Valentina Vinokurova Beatrice Dupuy Service-Provider Virtual Exchange: Practices, Literacies, and Identities
Student Name Advisor(s) Title
Jorge Mejia Beatrice Dupuy A Multimodal Analysis of Critical Learning Episodes in the EFL Classroom
Veronica Oguilve Jill Castek An Informal Online Community in the Digital Wilds: Possibilities for Language Learning
Seojin (Sophie) Park Wenhao Diao & Sunyoung Yang English Language Learning and Learner Identities of North Korean Refugees in South Korea
Nina Conrad Christine Tardy How Students Seek and Use Writing Support: Exploring the Spectrum of Literacy Brokering Practices in Higher Education
Rachel Floyd Jill Castek Needs Analysis Of Recent Foreign Language Graduate Program Alumni
Sara Alcazar Silva Chantelle Warner & Sonia Colina Symbolic Competence as a Means of Empowering Heritage Spanish Learners as Language Mediators
Lorraine (Lola) McCoy Dalila Ayoun The Acquisition of the Subjunctive Mood by L2 French Learners
Jacob Monzingo Janet Nicol VR and Vocabulary Acquisition: Exploring Participant Vocabulary Outcomes, Tendencies, and Perceptions of Game Narrative and Task
Federico Fabbri Beatrice Dupuy Why study Romance Languages in the US? Investigating and Addressing the Enrollment and Retention Crisis in US-based Romance Language Programs
Student Name Advisor(s) Title
Tahnee Bucher Barbosa da Silva Beatrice Dupuy Assessing Language Assessment Literacy in University and College-Administered Intensive English Programs Across the United States
Margherita Berti Beatrice Dupuy Critical Transcultural Competence Through Virtual Reality: Connecting Theories, Materials, and Practices
Natalie Amgott Blaine Smith Implementing and Evaluating Multiliteracies in College French: A Nested Case Study
Drake Asberry Miquel Simonet Syllabification and Visual Word Segmentation in Spanish-English Bilinguals
Anna Kamenetski (Katikhina) Vicky Lai The Influence of Language on Mental Representations of Events
Ahmad Elsayed (Ismail) Perry Gilmore The Performance of Refugeehood on Social Media in an Era of Superdiversity: A Digital Ethnographic Study of Arab Refugee Identities and Literacies on YouTube
Casey Richardson Francesca Lopez They See Me Different...Like an Immigrant Cause of How I Sound: Perceived Difference, Limitations, & Co-Naturalizations of Race and Language
Student Name Advisor(s) Title
Lauren Harvey Christine Tardy "Bigger Than the Syllabus": Exploring Second Language Writing Instructors' Curriculum Knowledge
Stefan Vogel Suzanne Panferov Reese Collaboration as a Path to Professionalizing Leadership: Insights From L2 Writing Teachers' Narratives
Jeroen Gevers Christine Tardy Disciplinary Routes: Negotiating Academic Identity in Graduate-Level Writing
Anamaria Sagre Beatrice Dupuy Exploring Interculturality in the Colombian EFL Classroom: A Situated Collaborative Case Study
Emily Palese Christine Tardy Prompting Students to Write: Designing and Using Second Language Writing Assignments Prompts
Tanya Tercero Chris Tardy Self-Efficiency and Designing and Teaching Online Academic Writing Courses for Multilingual Writers
Dunja Radojkovic Chantelle Warner Serbian EFL Teachers in the Middle East: Three Cases of Intercultural Learning and Teaching
Yiting Han Jonathan Reinhardt Successful Language Learning in the Digital Wilds: Complexity, Autonomy, and Identity
Aleksey Novikov Shelley Staples Syntactic and Morphological Complexity Measures as Markers of L2 Development in Russian
Maredil Leon Hayriye Kayi-Aydar The Intersection of Language Ideologies and Language Teacher Identities in the Expanding Circle
Siti Juwariyah Kathy Short World Englishes and the Teaching of English as an International Language: Indonesian Teachers' Perspectives and Professional Development Experiences
Student Name Advisor(s) Title
Hicham Assaoui Thomas Bever Coreference Assignment and Anaphora Resolution in Arabic
Mariela Lopez Miquel Simonet Effects of Native Phonology on Spoken Word Recognition and Second Language Phonological Processing
Adriana Picoral Sarandy Machado Scheidegger Shelley Staples L3 Portuguese by Spanish-English Bilinguals: Copula Construction Use and Acquisition in Corpus Data
Amani Alageel Qing Zhang & Linda Waugh Language Variation Style, and the Construction of Micro-Celebrity Personas
Angel Steadman Hayriye Kayi-Aydar Raising the Curtain: Positioning and Identity Construction in Online Language Teacher Education
Borbala Gaspar Wenhao Diao Shifting Goals in Italian Learning: Imagination, Multilingualism, and Agency in the Narratives of Underrepresented Foreign Language Learners
Jenna Altherr-Flores Chantelle Warner Social Semiotics and Literacy: How Refugee-Background Adult Second Language Learners With Emerging Literacy Make Meaning in Multimodal Assessment Texts
Joan Palmiter Bajorek Michael Hammond Speaking of Language Technology
Timothy O'Connell Suzanne Panferov-Reese Stakeholder's Perceptions of the 2010 English Language Training Program Accreditation Act
Amanda Snell Shuffelbarger Chantelle Warner Subversive Survival Through Critical Creativity in Community-Based Adult Second Language Contexts
Chelsea Timlin Chantelle Warner Talk about Texts: Interactional Literacies in Second Language Learning
Nicole Schmidt Beatrice Dupuy Teaching Digital Literacies: Knowledges, Practices, and Resources in Second Language Writing
Bruna Sommer Farias Christina Tardy This is Helping Me With Writing in All Languages: Developing Genre Knowledge Across Languages in a Foreign Language Course
Elif Burhan Christine Tardy Understanding Multiple Layers of Practice: A Study on Academic Discourse Socialization in Engineering Research Teams
Student Name Advisor(s) Title
Stefano Maranzana Eliane Rubenstein-Avila Animated Cartoons in the Language Classroom: Attitudes and Perceptions of Italian L2 Students
Sara Al-Bahlani Peter Ecke Assessment Literacy: A Study of EFL Teachers' Assessment Knowledge, Perspectives, and Classroom Behaviors
Wid Allehaiby Chantelle Warner Awe No Please Love Us: Exploring L2 Teachers and Learners' Perceptions of Online Intercultural (Im) Politeness
Christian Ruvalcaba Andrew Carnie Deriving Possession from Location, Accompaniment, and Paths to Nowhere: A Microcomparative Analysis of Clausal Possession in English and Spanish
Pornnicha Weerakanto Jonathon Reinhardt Digital Literacies of English Language Teachers and Students and Their Perceptions of Technology - enhanced Language Learning and Teaching in Thailand
Jacob Witt Christine Tardy Disciplinary Feedback Practices: Comparing Preferences, Expectations, and Practices
Janelle Moser Beatrice Dupuy Evaluating Arabic Textbooks: Authenticity of Genres and Vocabulary
Tara Hashemi Beatrice Dupuy Implementing a Literacy-Oriented Curriculum in the Basic Foreign Language Sequence: Insights from Stakeholders on Program Development, Instructional Materials, and Graduate Student Professional Learning
Rachel Lamance Shelby Staples & Christine Tardy Investigating the Development of Academic Literacies, Writing, and Identities in University Students
Kayo Shintaku Jonathon Reinhardt Literacy Practices with Media: Popular Culture Media and the Role of Pedagogical Guidance in L2 Learning of Japanese
Cynthia Kopp Linda Waugh & Mary Wildner-Bassett Narratives of Complaint: Translingual Subjectivities in the Basic Writing Classroom
Essa Batel Janet Nicol The Effect of Sentence Context on Second Language Word Recognition
Cody Dees Suzanne Panferov Reese Value, Identity, and Identifying Value: Exploring meta-cognitive value in SLA contexts
Jennifer Slinkard Christine Tardy Writing Instructors as Arbiters of Language Policy
Student Name Advisor(s) Title
Trudie McEvoy Mary Wildner-Bassett & Cynthia Ducar An Exploration of Motivation in Lower Level Heritage Language Learners
Riyad Alhomsi Suzanne Panferov Co-Curricular Technology Engagement and Its Effects on Arabic Language Learner Motivation, Autonomy, and Language Proficiency
Michael Sayle Feng-hsi Liu & Linda Waugh Figurative language processes in L2 Mandarin grammar: the interaction between structure and context/world knowledge
Christopher Vasquez-Wright Beatrice Dupuy Language learner identity of Mormon missionaries: Implications for second language pedagogy and research
Linda Lemus Ana Carvalho & Ana Christina da Silva Iddings Portraits of Multilinguals on Social Network Sites: Identity Negotiation and Language Use
Jieun Ryu Jonathon Reinhardt Pragmatics Instruction in Korean as a Foreign Language Programs in the U.S.: Overview of the Programs, Instructors' Beliefs, and Pedagogical Application
Kristin Lange Chantelle Warner Textbook Literacies - Investigating the Potential of Commercial Textbooks for Literacies-Oriented Instruction and the Professional Development of Graduate Students
Alan Kohler Linda Waugh & Christine Tardy What Lies Beneath: The Revelatory Power Of Metonymy In Discourse, Language Planning, And Higher Education
Kristian Adi Putra Leisy Wyman Youth, Technology and Indigenous Language Revitalization in Indonesia
Student Name Advisor(s) Title
Sansanee Punyalert Chantelle Warner A Genre-focused Course of Business English Learning: Video Gaming and Global Simulation
Sichon Koowuttayakorn Linda Waugh & Chantelle Warner Affordances, positioning and stancetaking: A multimodal analysis of English language learning and teaching on Facebook Pages
Merica McNeil Robert Ariew An Analysis of Student-Centered Curricular Innovation in Online Language Teacher Education: A Case Study
Steven Randall Beatrice Dupuy An Exploration Of A University Academic Bridge Program For English Language Learners
Justin Parry Beatrice Dupuy Analyzing Hebrew Textbooks: Differing Goals and Identities in Language Classrooms
Elizabeth Tso Perry Gilmore Discourse, Social Scales, and Epiphenomenality of Language Policy: A Case Study of a Local, Hong Kong NGO
Elyse Petit Beatrice Dupuy Enhancing Visual and Critical Media Literacy in a Foreign Language Classroom through Media Production and Digital Storytelling: Students' Voice and Agency
Bonnie Holmes Janet Nicol & Sara Beaudrie I understand everything you say, I just don't speak it: The role of morphology in the comprehension of Spanish by receptive heritage bilinguals
Zura Dotton Linda Waugh Language Policy and Language Planning in Kazakhstan: About the Proposed Shift from the Cyrillic Alphabet to the Latin
Samina Yasmin Suzanne Panferov Making It Work for "Them": A Technology-Enhanced Educational Innovation in Pakistan
Benjamin Schilaty Mary Carol Combs Navigating Language Choice as a Mormon Missionary
Glen Piskula Linda Waugh & Mariko Karatsu Negotiation for Meaning and Scaffolding Techniques: An Analysis of Social Interaction between NNS Japanese Students and NS English Instructors in a Semi-Institutional Context
Janel Goodman Murakami Janet Nicol The Influence of Social Cues and Cognitive Processes in Computer Mediated Second Language Learning
Ahmet Okal Janet Nicol Turkish Global Simulation: A Modern Strategy for Teaching Language and Culture using Web Technologies
Malena Samaniego Sonia Colina Undergraduate translator education in Chilean inquiry into teacher and student thinking, learning experiences and teaching practices
Diego Macias Beatrice Dupuy What I didn't want to do', 'what I thought I would do', and 'what I ended up doing': Novice EFL Teachers' Narratives of Experience in Learning to Teach
Student Name Advisor(s) Title
Jinjing Zhao Jonathon Reinhardt An Ecological Analysis of Digital Game-Mediated Second Language Learning
Veronika Williams Suzanne Panferov An Evaluation of a Program for Intentional Learning: A Hybrid Approach to Fostering Learner Autonomy
Zachary Brooks Tom Bever & Linda Waugh Bilingual decision making: verbal probability, ethics, and cognition
Hope Anderson Robert Ariew Blended Basic Language Courses: Making Pedagogical and Administrative Choices about Technology
Migdalia Rodriguez Suzanne Panferov Effective Pedagogical Practices in Online English Language Teacher Education
Mustafa Polat Robert Ariew Emerging Technologies in Language Pedagogy: Language Learners' Perceptions through the Lenses of Innovation Diffusion and User Intention Theories
Christine Palumbo Luis Moll & Christine Tardy Imagined Destinations: The Role of Subjectivity and the Generative Potential of Lived Experiences in Adult English Learners' Paths to Fluency
Adnan Yilmaz Linda Waugh Intercultural Communicative Competence Through the Lens of Semio-Ethnography: Research on Turkish International Graduate Student in the US Socio-Semiotic World
Fahd Alalwi Peter Ecke Intercultural Competence Development in a Study Abroad Context: Saudi Learners in the United States
Asma Alsahil Robert Ariew Social Networking Mediated Intercultural Communicative Competence: Affordances and Constraints
Steve Przymus Leisy Wyman Social Semiotics, Education, and Identity: Creating Trajectories for Youth at Schools to Perform Knowledge and Identities as Language Users
Adnan Alobaid Suzanne Panferov Testing, Assessment, and Evaluation in Language Programs
Denise Osborne Miquel Simonet The Acquisition of Fine Phonetic Detail in a Foreign Language: Perception and Production of Stops in L2 English and L1 Portuguese
Rachel Kraut Kenneth Forster & Janet Nicol The Development of Second Language Reading and Morphological Processing Skills
Heather Smyser Mary Alt The Goldilocks of Variability and Complexity: The Acquisition of Mental Orthographic Representations in Emergent Refugee Readers
Karim Shaker Ibrahim Jonathon Reinhardt The Interplay of Languaging and Gameplay: Player-game Interactions as Ecologies for Languaging and Situated L2 Development
Student Name Advisor(s) Title
Robert Pool Jonathon Reinhardt A Corpus Approach to Ecological Discourse Analysis and L2 Writing Pedagogy
Iqbal Al Balushi Linda Waugh Critical Semiotic Order Theory: The Misconstruction of Arab And Muslim Identities And Voices In Hollywood Movies
Soomin Jwa Linda Waugh Genre Knowledge Development: Tracing Trajectories of L2 Students' Transitions to Disciplinary Expectations in College Writing
Katherine Christoffersen Ana Carvalho Language Choice and Code-Switching among Sequential and Simultaneous Bilingual Children: An Analysis of Grammatical, Functional and Identity-Related Patterns
Karen Barto Janet Nicol & Miguel Simonet Mandarin Speakers' Intonation in their L2 English
Kristen Michelson Beatrice Dupuy Mediating Pedagogies for Teaching and Learning Language and Culture as Discourse: A multiliteracies-based Global Simulation in Intermediate French
Paul Renigar Jr Linda Waugh Metaphors From Quantum Physics: Enhancing Ecological L2 Social Networking In An Intermediate Italian Course
Osman Solmaz Jonathon Reinhardt Multilingual Students' Management of Transnational Identities in Online Participatory Spaces
Kristin Helland Linda Waugh Multilingualism, Identity, and Ideology in Popular Culture Texts: A Multimodal Critical Discourse Analysis
Yasumasa Shigenaga Thomas Bever Processing and Acquisition of Scrambled Sentences by Learners of Japanese as a Second Language
Sonja Fordham Linda Waugh Teacher Feedback Stance and Student Response in the ESL Composition Classroom
Timothy Murphy Douglas Adamson The Use of Film in a First Year College Writing Class for ESL Students
Student Name Advisor(s) Title
Kathlyn Spires Diaz Toni Griego-Jones Achieving Academic English Competencies: Perspectives From Mexican Adult Immigrants In A Community College ESL Classroom
Mahmoud Azaz Thomas Bever & Linda Waugh Acquisition of Form-Meaning Mapping in L2 Arabic and English Noun Phrases: A Bidirectional Framework
Tamara MC Linda Waugh Blending Lifewriting and Technology to Teach Language, Culture, and Identity in the ESL Classroom
Mike Child Ana Carvalho Cross-linguistic Influence in L3 Portuguese Learning: Language Learning Perceptions and the Knowledge and Transfer of Mood Distinctions by Three Groups of English-Spanish Bilinguals
M'Balia Thomas Linda Waugh Girl Talk - A dialogic approach to narrative analysis in second/foreign language research
Jose Aldemar Valencia Linda Waugh Language, Learning and Identity in Social Networking Sites for Language Learning: the Case of Busuu
Katie Angus Beatrice Dupuy Meeting the Needs of Foreign Language Teaching Assistants: Professional Development in American Universities
Brian Hibbs Kathy Short Reading Children's and Adolescent Literature in Three University Second-Semester Spanish Courses: An Action Research Study
Mohammed Tamimi Robert Ariew Teaching culture in Arabic: Perspectives on the use of blended learning and Hypermedia
Katie Burns Al Masaeed Robert Ariew The Ideology of U.S. Spanish in Foreign and Heritage Language Curricula: Insights from Textbooks and Instructor Focus Groups
Robert Cote Mary Wildner-Bassett The Role of Student Attitiude Towards peer Review in Anonymous Electronic Peer Review in an EFL Writing Classroom
Student Name Advisor(s) Title
Kacy Peckenpaugh Beatrice Dupuy Becoming Transcultural: Maximizing Study Abroad
Khaled Al Masaeed Linda Waugh Functions of Arabic-English Code-switching: Sociolinguistic Insights from A Study Abroad Program
Ashli Lovitt Beatrice Dupuy The Linguistic Gains and Acculturation of American High School Students on Exchange Programs in Germany
Student Name Advisor(s) Title
Janna Orlova Shaeffer Mary Wildner-Bassett Development of Intercultural Competence in Intermediate Foreign Language Learners
Hongmei Wu Kenneth Forster Mechanisms of Masked Priming: Testing the Entry Opening Model
Kara Johnson Jun Liu & Linda Waugh Peer and Self Review: A holistic examination of EFL learners' writing and review process
Alexandra Kuchuk Linda R. Waugh Politeness in Intercultural Communication: Some Insights into Pragmatics of English as an International Language
Lingxia Jin Linda R. Waugh Second Language Acquisition of Spatial Metaphors in English and Chinese Writings: Insights from Learner and Native Corpora
Elizabeth Enkin Kenneth Forster The Maze Task: Using a Computerized Psycholinguistic Experimental Technique in Examining Methodologies for Second Language Learning
Olga Ellis Robert Ariew Voice vs. Text Chats: Their Efficacy for Leaning Probing Questions by Non-Native Speaking Medical Professionals in Online Courses
Student Name Advisor(s) Title
Jeffrey Gabbitas Douglas Adamson Articulation in the Spanish program at a large southwestern university: A case study
Angelica Sandoval Jun Liu Attitude, Motivation, and English Language Learning in a Mexican College Context
Naoko Witzel Ken Forster How Words are Represented in Bilingual Memory
Tina Badstuebner Peter Ecke L1 Attrition: German Immigrants in the U.S.
Miriam Diaz Granado Miguel Simonet & Natasha Warner L2 and L3 acquisition of the Portuguese stressed vowel inventory by native speakers of English
Helen Shishkin Peter Ecke Language Dominance and Culture Dominance: Russian Immigrants in the US
Gwynne Gonzales Sara Beaudrie Spanish Heritage Language Use, Linguistic Integrity and Social Network
Nadia Hamrouni Kenneth Forster Structure and processing in Tunisian Arabic: Speech error data
Theresa Catalano Grace Fielder Xeno-Racism and Discursive Construction of "Us" vs. "Them": Cosa Nostra, Wall Street and Immigrants in Crime Reports
Student Name Advisor(s) Title
Frank Malgesini Linda Waugh An Ethnographic Approach to Literature: Reading Wildfell Hall in the L1 and L2 Classroom
Li-Feng Kuo Jun Liu Children's Use of Requests In Chinese (L1) And English (L2): A Case Study In Taiwan
Autumn Witt Jun Liu Establishing the Validity of the Task-Based English Speaking Test (TBEST) for International Teaching Assistants
Kelly Lowther Ana Carvalho Identity and Language Ideology in the Intermediate Spanish Heritage Language Classroom
Hassan Souleyman Robert Ariew Implicit and explicit vocabulary acquisition with a computer-assisted hypertext reading task: Comprehension and retention
Elena Shishkin Peter Ecke Language Dominance and Culture Dominance: L2 Acquisition, L1 Maintenance, And Culture Identification Among Russian Immigrants In The U.S.
Mary Margaret Hodges-Popova Perry Gilmore Mandela's children and youth day: Representations of national identity in South African news media
Natalya Samokhina Diane Ohala & Natasha Warner Phonetics and Phonology of Regressive Voicing Assimilation in Russian Native and Non-native Speech
Ana Cecilia Villarreal-Ballesteros Linda Waugh Professional Identity Formation and Development Of Imagined Communities In An English Language Major In Mexico
Clay Williams Thomas Bever Semantic vs. Phonetic Decoding Strategies in Non-Native Readers of Chinese
Rong Liu Janet Nicol & Robert Ariew The acquisition and online processing of anaphora by Chinese-English bilinguals: A computer assisted study
Eleni Saltourides Robert Ariew The Sociocultural Impact of Technology on Adult Immigrant English as a Second Language Learners
Maria Kelly-Cervantes Roseann Gonzalez Translation and Interpretation as a Means to Improve Bilingual High School Students' English and Spanish Academic Language Proficiency
Student Name Advisor(s) Title
Seiji Watanabe Timothy Vance Cultural and Educational Contributions to Recent Phonological Changes in Japanese
Yingliang Liu Jun Liu ESL Students in the College Writing Conferences: Perception and Participation
Brittany Lindsey LuAnn Gerken La Is Better than el: The Role of Regularity and Lexical Familiarity in Noun Phrase Production by Young Spanish-Speaking Children
Carmen Helena Nieto Guerrero Linda Waugh National Standards for the Teaching of English in Colombia: A Critical Discourse Analysis
Bryan Meadows Linda Waugh Nationalism and Language Learning at the US/Mexico Border: An Ethnigraphically-Sensitive Critical Discourse Analysis of the Reproduction of Nation, Power, and Privilege in an English Language Classroom
Keith Johnson Natasha Warner Second Language Acquisition of the Spanish Multiple Vibrant Consonant
Kathleen O'Brien-de Ramirez Yetta Goodman & Linda Waugh Silent, Oral, L1, L2, French and English Reading Through Eye Movements and Miscues
Maria Rocio Delgado Eliane Rubinstein-Avila Spanish Heritage Language Socialization Practices of a Family of Mexican Origin
Jeremy Leland Palmer Samira Farwaneh Student Acculturation, Language Preference, and L2 Competence in Study Abroad Programs in the Arabic-Speaking World
Chang-Ching Chen Janet Nicol The representation and processing of past tense in Chinese English-language learners
Xiaomei Qiao Ken Forster The Representation of Newly Learned Words in the Mental Lexicon
Yi Xu Heidi Harley The Syntax, Processing and Second Language Acquisition of Chinese Relative Clauses
Student Name Advisor(s) Title
Jody Cripps Sam Supalla A Case Study on Reading Processes of Signing Deaf Children
Nolvia Cortez Linda Waugh Am I in the Book? Imagined Communities and Language Ideologies of English in a Global EFL Textbook
Veronica Susanne Ostertag Mary Wildner-Bassett An Investigation Of The Value Of Fictional Texts As A Tool For Enriching German Language And Culture Learning: A Kaleidoscopic View Of Outcomes And Possibilities
Xin Wang Kenneth Forster Bilingual Lexical Representation and Processing: Evidence from Masked Priming Studies
Norma Barletta Manjarres Linda Waugh English Teachers in Colombia: Ideologies and Identities in Academic Writing
Neil Johnson Mary Wildner-Bassett Genre as Concept in Second Language Academic Writing Pedagogy
Lisa Jurkowitz Mary Wildner-Bassett Interaction, Meaning-Making, and Accuracy in Synchronous CMC Discussion: The Experiences of a University-Level Intermediate French Class
Elizabeth Specker Linda Waugh & Tom Bever L1/L2 Eye Movement Reading of Closed Captioning: A Multimodal Analysis of Multimodal Use
Shanthi Nadarajan H. Douglas Adamson Measuring Academic Vocabulary Size and Depth in the Writing Classroom: Does it Really Matter?
Maite Correa Peter Ecke Metalinguistic Knowledge and the Acquisition of the Spanish Subjunctive by Learners at Three Proficiency Levels
Lance Askildson Beatrice Dupuy & Janet Nicol Phonological Bootstrapping in Word Recognition and Whole Language Reading: A Composite Pedagogy for L2
Boon Joo Park Janet Nicol Syntactic Persistence Within and Across Languages in English and Korean L1 and L2 Speakers
Jessica Eve Gerard Linda Waugh & Yetta Goodman The Reading of Formulaic Sequences in a Native and Non-Native Language: An Eye Movement Analysis
Yumika Muramatsu Jun Liu The Role of Native-Speaker Status and Cultural Background: A Multidimensional Case Study of Teacher-Student Interaction in English Composition Classes
Cheryl Traiger Linda Waugh Tourists' English Expectations: Discourse Analysis of Attitudes towards Language and Culture on Travel Websites
Virginie Askildson (Dasse Beatrice Dupuy What do Teachers and Students Want from a Foreign Language Textbook?
Kimberly Adilia Helmer Mary Wildner-Bassett Year One at "City" High School: An Ethnographic Study of Heritage Language Learners at an Innovative Charter School
Student Name Advisor(s) Title
Kamolthip Phonlabutra Linda Waugh Learning in an English Content-Based Program in a Junior- High School in Thailand: A Case Study
Jun Zhao Linda Waugh Metaphors and Gestures for Abstract Concepts in Academic English Writing
Kara McBride Jun Liu The Effect of Rate of Speech and CALL Design Features on EFL Listening Comprehension and Strategy Use
Paul Lyddon Robert Ariew The Efficacy of Corrective Feedback and Target Form Enhancement in Promoting Acquisition of the ?/au/en/aux Distinction in L2 French
Simona Estela Ene Linda Waugh The Last Stages of Second Language Acquisition: Linguistic Evidence from Academic Writing by Advanced Non-Native English Speakers
Margaret Smith Linda Waugh The Minutemen Versus the 'United Army of Illegal Aliens': A Critical Discourse Analysis of WWW Representations
Student Name Advisor(s) Title
Cynthia M. Ducar Linda Waugh (Re)Presentations of U.S. Latinos: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Spanish Heritage Language Textbooks
Patrick Bolger Cecile McKee Alphabetic processing in English and Spanish
Sara Mariel Beaudrie Robert Ariew Spanish Heritage Language Development: A Causal-Comparative Study Exploring the Differential Effects of Heritage Versus Foreign Language Curriculum
Alan Victor Brown Renate Schulz Students' and Teachers' Perceptions of Effective Teaching in the Foreign Language Classroom: A Comparison of Ideals and Ratings
Greg L.Thompson Renate Schulz Teacher and Student First Language and Target Language Use in the Foreign Language Classroom: A Qualitative and Quantitative Study of Language Choice
Senta Goertler Mary Wildner-Bassett Teacher Participation and Feedback Styles During Classroom Synchronous Computer-Mediated Communication in Intermediate German: A Multiple Case Study
Sharon K. Deckert Susan Philips & Linda Waugh The Construction of Functional Identities in Forensic Interviews with Children
Hyunok Ahn Robert Ariew The Impact of Individual Learner Characteristics and Synchronous Computer-Mediated Communication on Language Production in Learners of English
Student Name Advisor(s) Title
Kristina Beckman-Brito Perry Gilmore Communicative competence and second language abilities in the justice system: A forensic linguistic analysis of a Chinese immigrant's run-in with the law
Susan Cooledge Robert Ariew L2 Reading and Hypertext: A Study of Lexical Glosses and Comprehension Among Intermediate Learners of French
Angela Ferguson Jun Liu Student Beliefs about their Foreign Language Instructors: A Look at the Native Speaker/Non-Native Speaker Issue
Student Name Advisor(s) Title
Randall Sadler Muriel Saville-Troike A Case Study Examination of ESL Students in Freshman English Composition
Claudia Kost Mary Wildner-Bassett An Investigation of the Effects of Synchronous Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC) on Interlanguage Development in the Beginning Learners of German: Accuracy, Proficiency, and Communication Strategies
Leyla Yined Tello Ruede Mary Wildner-Bassett Effects of Pedagogical Intervention on the Development of Pragmatic Competence in Adult Learners of English as a Foreign Language
Caroline Vickers Susan Philips Interactional Accomodation and the Construction of Social Roles Among Culturally Diverse Undergraduates
Paula Gunder Mary Wildner-Bassett Situating and Transforming Technology Integration Professional Development for Language Teachers: A Comparative Multiple Case Study
Hang Du Feng-Hsi Liu & Cecile McKee The Acquisition of the Chinese Ba-Construction by Adult Second Language Learners
Student Name Advisor(s) Title
Maria Angeles Serrano Lopez Linda Waugh 3-D Clay Modeling Instruction: A Pathway to Spatial Concept Formation in Second Language Learners
Betil Eroez Linda Waugh An Ethnographic Examination of International Students in English Composition Classes: Cultural Patterns, Classroom Dynamics, and Adjustment Difficulties
Wendy Ashby Linda Waugh Authoring the German "Other"; A Semiotic, Narrative Discourse Analysis of the Culture Box in Beginning L2 German Textbooks
Matt Finkbeiner Janet Nicol Bilingual lexical memory: towards a psycholinguistic model of adult L2 lexical acquisition, representation, and processing
Masato Kogure Susan Philips Gender Differences in the Use of Backchannels: Do Japanese Men and Women Accommodate to Each Other
Enchao Shi H. Douglas Adamson & Andy Barss Second Language Grammar and Secondary Predication
Rosa Maria Mejia-Uribe Rudolph Troike The Place of Culture in ESL Master's Programs in the United States
Mohammad Al-Quadhiaeen Rudolph Troike The Syntax of Saudi Arabic-English Intrasentential Codeswitching
Julian Heather Renate Schulz The Validity of Computer-Mediated Communicative Language Tests
Student Name Advisor(s) Title
Kyoko Masuda Rudolph Troike A Cognitive Approach to Japanese Locative Postpositions NI and DE: A Case Study of Spoken and Written Discourse
Chanika Vadhanasindhu Muriel Saville-Troike Contrastive Discourse Analysis and Reader Perception of Newspaper Editorials in Thai and English
Sumru Akcan Yetta Goodman Effective Teaching Strategies for Oral Second Language Use in German and French First Grade Immersion Classrooms
Nizar Kamal Ibrahim Jun Liu Feedback on ESL Writing: Can we Integrate Form?
Akiko Kato Muriel Saville-Troike Interlanguage Variation in Pitch and Forms of English Negatives: The Case of Japanese Speakers of English
Marcia Helena Coimbra Mary Wildner-Bassett International Teaching Assistants (ITAs) in Multiple Roles: The Impact of an ITA Development Program on ITA's Effective Learning and Teaching Performance in the American College Class
Toshiyuki Suzuki Merrill Garrett On the Garden Path
David B. Smith Robert Ariew Taking Students to Task: Task-Based Computer-Mediated Communication and Negotiated Interaction in the ESL Classroom
Jun Yang Muriel Saville-Troike The Acquisition of Temporality by Adult Second Language Learners of Chinese
Holly E. Jacobson Muriel Saville-Troike Translation of the Health Brochure and Impact on the Target Reader: A Contrastive Analysis of the Structural and Pragmatic Features of Texts Translated into Spanish Versus Texts Written Originally in Spanish
Student Name Advisor(s) Title
Julia Gousseva-Goodwin Robert Ariew Collaborative writing assignments and on-line discussions in an advanced ESL composition class
Phillip Edward Hammonds Grace Fielder Directive Speech Acts in Conflict Situations among Advanced Non-Native Speakers of English
Teresa Reber Renate Schulz Effective teaching behaviors and attitudes as perceived by foreign language teachers
Stephanie Duisberg Renate Schulz High School Heritage Learners of Spanish: An Investigation of Language Attitudes
Gail Ellen Shuck Jane Hill Imagining the Native Speaker: The Poetics of Complaint in University Student Discourse
Luciana Fellin Jane Hill Language Ideologies, Language Socialization and Language Revival in an Italian Alpine Community
Nariyo Kono Richard Ruiz Language orientations: case study of a Japanese- as-a-foreign -language classroom
Sachie Karasawa Mary Wildner-Bassett Relevance Theory and Redundancy Phenomena in Second Language Learners' Written English Discourse: An Interlanguage Pragmatics Perspective
Bonnibeth Beale Fonseca-Greber Adrienne Lehrer & Linda Waugh The Change from Pronoun to Clitic to Prefix and the Rise of Null Subjects in Spoken Swiss French
Adrian John Wurr Mary Wildner-Bassett The Impact and Effects of Service-Learning on Native and Non-Native English Speaking College Composition Students
Student Name Advisor(s) Title
Carol M.Johnson Janet Nicol Auditory integration training: its effect on the perception of english of native and nonnative speakers
Hyeson Park Rudolph Troike Child Second Language Acquisition and Grammatical Theories: The Minimalist Program and Optimality Theory
Miki Shibata Adrienne Lehrer Comparing Lexical Aspect and Narrative Discourse in Second Language Learners' Tense-Aspect Morphology: A Cross Sectional Study of Japanese as a Second Language
Yoshiko Okuyama Robert Ariew Computer-Assisted Japanese Vocabulary Learning: The Choice of Script in Call
Tully J.Thibeau Cecile McKee English Prepositions in Phrasal Verbs: A Study in Second Language Acquisition
J. Adam Dudsic Kenneth Forster Priming asymmetries in chinese-english bilinguals: a series of single-subject studies
Noriko Iwasaki Merrill Garrett Speaking Japanese: L1 and L2 Grammatical Encoding of Case Particles and Adjectives/Adjectival Nouns
Meena Singhal Robert Ariew The Effects of Reading Strategy Instruction on the Reading Comprehension, Reading Process and Strategy Use of Adult ESL Readers
Lawrence Norman Berlin Teresa McCarty & Mary Wildner-Bassett Toward a "Working Definition" of Effective Language Instruction in the Multicultural ESL Classroom
Student Name Advisor(s) Title
Evelyn Scanlon Rogers Robert Ariew An Investigation of the Effects of Collaborative, Computer-Mediated Communication and Non-Collaborative, Computer-Assisted Writing Skills Practice on L2 Writing
Matthew Buchanan Teller Mario Montalbetti & Janet Nicol Broken Agreement in L2 Processing in Spanish
John Ioannis Liontas Robert Ariew Developing a Pragmatic Methodology of Idiomaticity: The Comprehension and Interpretation of SL Vivid Phrasal Idioms During Reading
Kimberly Louise Geeslin Rudolph Troike Second language acquisition of copula choice in Spanish and its relationship to language change
Ludmila Dutkova Jane Hill Texas Czech: an ethnolinguistic study
Student Name Advisor(s) Title
Ellen Hazlehurst Courtney Muriel Saville-Troike Child Acquisition of Quechua Morphosyntax
Anuradha Ruhil Mary Wildner-Bassett I Lost the Bus: Can You Give me a Ride Home?: Native and Nonnative English Speakers' Speech Act Production and Metapragmatic Judgments: A Study on Apologies, Complaints and Requests
Hong Guang Ying Andrew Barss & Janet Nicol Knowledge of Reconstruction in a Second Language
Yvonna M. Roepcke Jane Hill Pronouns in Discourse: International and U.S. Tas Construct Social Groups and Identities
Birgit M. Meerholz-Haerle Mary Wildner-Bassett Teachers talking shop: a discourse study of TA coordination meetings
Hao Sun Muriel Saville-Troike Telephone Conversations in Chinese and English: A Comparative Study Across Languages and Functions
Anjel Tozcu Frank Pialorsi The Effect of Teaching Sight Vocabulary with Computer Assisted Instruction on Vocabulary Gain, Decrease in Reaction Time or Frequent Word Recognition, and Reading Comprehension
Shoji Takano Kimberly Jones The Myth of a Homogenous Speech Community: The Speech of Japanese Women in Non-Traditional Gender Roles
Kuniyoshi Kataoka Jane Hill The Vertical Experience in English and Japanese Spatial Discourse
Nan Jiang Kenneth Forster Understanding bilingual lexical organization: evidence from masked cross-language priming in Chinese-English bilinguals
Yi Li Li Robert Ariew Using Task-Based E-mail Activities in Developing Academic Writing Skills in English as a Second Language
Student Name Advisor(s) Title
Paola Eulalia Dussias Rudolph Troike Switching at no cost: exploring Spanish-English codeswitching using the response-contingent sentence matching task
Ning Yu Jane Hill The Contemporary Theory of Metaphor: A Perspective from Chinese
Mubangu Itangaza Renate Schulz The Effect of Suppemental Homework Tasks Involving Referential Questions on Learners' Target Language Linguistic Output and Accuracy
David Allan Wright Mary Wildner-Bassett The Roles of Culture: Promoting Positive Attitudes in the Second- and Foreign-Language Classroom
Zsuzsanna Ittzes Mary Wildner-Bassett Written Conversation: Investigating Communicative Foreign Language Use in Written Form in Computer Conference Writing and Group Journals
Student Name Advisor(s) Title
Catherine Marie Barrette Karen L. Smith An Assessment of the Effects of the Use of Self-Selected Texts from the World Wide Web on Foreign Language Reading Comprehension
Peter Ecke Merrill Garrett Cross-Language Studies of Lexical Retrieval: Tip-of-the-Tongue States in First and Foreign Languages
Dorothy Clare Peterson Karen L. Smith Feedback System Factors and Their Effects on Attitudes, Perspectives, and Pedagogical Content Knowledge of University Foreign Language Teachers
Junlin Pan Muriel Saville-Troike Occurrence/Nonoccurrence, Distribution, and Interpretation of Zero Anaphora in Chinese Conversational Discourse
Syahdan Rudolph Troike Sasak-Indonesian Codeswitching
Student Name Advisor(s) Title
Otis Phillip Elliott Jr. Adrienne Lehrer A Glance at the Syntactic and Semantic Principles Underlying the Spanish Clitic Se: A Study in Second Language Acquisition
Caroline Ann Grace Robert Ariew Beginning CALL Vocabulary Learning: Translation in Context
Mohammed Ghawi H. Douglass Adamson Developing Second Language Proficiency and Academic Competence: A Case Study of a Modified Adjunct Literature Course
Rodney Eldred Tyson Rudolph Troike Korean Color Naming and Korean-English Language Contact: A Study in Linguistic Variation and Semantic Change
Deborah Eugenie Levy-Barnett Robert Ariew The Effect of Multicultural Literature on the Cultural Awareness and Sensitivity of Freshmen-Literature Students
Student Name Advisor(s) Title
Lydie Elisabeth Meunier-cinko Robert Ariew Gender Differences in Cooperative Computer-Based Foreign Language Tasks
Student Name Advisor(s) Title
Otis Phillip Elliott Jr. Adrienne Lehrer
Carol M.Johnson Janet Nicol Auditory integration training : its effect on the perception of english of native and nonnative speakers
M'Balia Thomas Linda Waugh Girl Talk ~ A dialogic approach to narrative analysis in second/foreign language research
Nariyo Kono Richard Ruiz Language orientations : case study of a Japanese- as-a-foreign -language classroom
Paul Renigar Jr Linda Waugh
J. Adam Dudsic Kenneth Forster Priming asymmetries in chinese-english bilinguals : a series of single-subject studies
Birgit M. Meerholz-Haerle Mary Wildner-Bassett Teachers talking shop : a discourse study of TA coordination meetings
Ludmila Dutkova Jane Hill Texas Czech : an ethnolinguistic study
Nan Jiang Kenneth Forster Understanding bilingual lexical organization : evidence from masked cross-language priming in Chinese-English bilinguals