SLAT Faculty
The SLAT Interdisciplinary Graduate Program includes over 90 faculty members from 19 academic departments at the University of Arizona housed in four different colleges. All SLAT faculty are expected to maintain an active agenda in scholarship (research, publication, and teaching), and to serve as members of students’ examination and dissertation committees. In addition, most are expected to become faculty mentors for one or more SLAT students within their area of specialization. Mentors not only provide assistance and encouragement for student research and publication (described above), but also serve as academic role models, and enhance student socialization to the values, norms, practices, and attitudes of the discipline.
The SLAT Faculty Handbook can be found here.
SLAT Faculty Membership Information can be found here.
To view a list of faculty by area of specialization, use the filter below.


Affiliated Faculty

Emeriti Faculty