SLAT Student Association (SLATSA)

SLATSA is organized and directed by SLAT students for SLAT students, and represents the group’s interests to the SLAT Executive Council. Among its various functions and activities, SLATSA elects two student representatives to serve for one year on the SLAT Executive Council. This election takes place each spring for the upcoming academic year. SLATSA also arranges for students to serve as hosts or buddies for new students; and to serve as managing editors for the Journal of Second Language Acquisition and Teaching (JSLAT).

Information about upcoming SLATSA events is communicated through university email. 

SLATSA maintains a Facebook page with regular updates about social events, and provides a forum for SLATSA members to communicate with each other online. Students can join the page by contacting one of the SLATSA officers. 

The current version of the SLATSA constitution can be found here

Students are strongly encouraged to be active members in the SLAT student association (SLATSA).


Find the current SLATSA Constitution and description of officer duties here


Alona Kladieva


Mukaddes Çoban Postaci



(Contact Alona or Mukaddes if you're interested in serving in this role!)

Journal of Second Language Acquisition and Teaching Senior Editor

Kate Shea

Journal of Second Language Acquisition and Teaching Junior Editor

Dilara Avci

SLATSA Liaisons/ExCo Representatives

Lincoln Bain
Angus Leydic

Social Coordinator

Katy West 

Vacant - Second Social Coordinator position
(Contact Alona or Mukaddes if you're interested in serving in this role!)


Zunera Malik

Roundtable Committee

Subin Oh

Lorraine Turpault d'Huve

Bernard Cassie
Sara Matsumura
Huma Iqbal

Faculty Advisor

Dr. M'Balia Thomas

The SLAT Interdisciplinary Roundtable is a student-run annual conference at the University of Arizona. The conference is open to scholars around the world, and the topics that are usually covered fall under the different Second Language Acquisition and Teaching areas of specialization (Instructional Dimensions of L2 Learning, Sociocultural Dimensions of L2 Learning, Cognitive Dimensions of L2 Learning, and Linguistic Dimensions of L2 Learning).

The conference is mostly funded by the SLAT Student Association (SLATSA), with additional support provided by the College of Humanities, the College of Social and Behavioral Studies, the College of Science, the College of Education, the Graduate Interdisciplinary Programs, the English/EAL program, the Department of French and Italian, the Department of Russian and Slavic studies, the Department of Teaching, Learning, and Sociocultural Studies, the Department of East Asian Studies, the School of Middle Eastern and North African Studies, the Department of Linguistics, the Department of Spanish and Portuguese, the Department of German Studies, the Graduate Professional Student Council, CERCLL, CEAS, and SLAT.

The date of the 24th Annual SLATSA Roundtable will be announced in Fall 2024. To look at the previous year's conference and the speakers/panelists, go to: 

Statement of Purpose

The Journal of Second Language Acquisition and Teaching (JSLAT) is a publication of the University of Arizona Interdisciplinary Ph.D. Program in Second Language Acquisition and Teaching (SLAT). JSLAT was conceived as a source for scholarly dialogue among SLAT students, SLAT faculty, and the second language research community at large. They are intended as an opportunity for doctoral students in the field of second language studies to experience the publishing process as well as an outlet for established second language researchers to present work in progress. 

Who may submit?

JSLAT invites students, faculty, and scholars at any stage of their academic career who are working in Second Language Acquisition or related fields to submit original manuscripts for consideration for publication in the Journal of Second Language Acquisition and Teaching. Papers could be empirical research studies (i.e. work with human subjects, corpus data, or textual analysis) or more theoretical in nature; but should focus on issues related to second language acquisition and teaching. 

You can find current and archived volumes of the journal at this link: JSLAT

Please contact the JSLAT Senior Editor, Kate Shea, at and the JSLAT Junior Editor, Dilara Avci, at for questions about JSLAT and how to submit an article.