SLAT Transfer Meeting

Come learn how to transfer coursework to the SLAT program

1 to 2:30 p.m., Sept. 8, 2023

First-year students will have the chance to meet with the SLAT Graduate Advisor and the Major/Minor Area Chairs, along with the SLAT Program Coordinator, to learn about how to transfer courses from their MA programs to the SLAT PhD program. 

Presenters: Dr. Chris Tardy (SLAT Graduate Advisor and TSLT Area Chair), Dr. Suzanne Panferov Reese (SLAT Chair and LPA Area Chair), Dr. Janet Nicol (Cognitive Dimensions Area Chair), Dr. Liudmila Klimanova (Sociocultural Dimensions Area Chair), Dr. Robert Henderson (Linguistic Dimensions Area Chair), Dr. Mahmoud Azaz (Instructional Dimensions Area Chair), Dr. Jill Castek (TSLT Area Chair), Debbie Shon Buhler (SLAT Senior Program Coordinator)