The Second Language Acquisition and Teaching Student Association (SLATSA) cordially invites your participation in the 23rd SLAT Interdisciplinary Roundtable at the University of Arizona. The Roundtable will be held on Saturday, Feb. 3, 2024. The Roundtable is an annual conference organized by and for graduate students and faculty with interests in the linguistics, cognitive, instructional, and socio-cultural dimensions of L2 learning. The Roundtable will be fully in-person.
The theme of the 2024 SLAT Interdisciplinary Roundtable is “Innovations in Language Education and Research: Emerging trends and a look into beyond.”
More specifically, we are inviting proposals from the broader field of technology-enhanced learning, embracing a wide spectrum of innovative research and practices, including but not limited to the use of AI and innovative tools/apps in language learning, gamification, corpus linguistics, computer-assisted language learning, blended learning models, social justice and critical pedagogies in the changing world, teacher training for innovative approaches, and emerging trends and future directions in tech-driven learning. We also seek projects that demonstrate collaborative research between graduate students and faculty.
The Roundtable invites the following types of presentations:
- Individual Presentation (20 min. + 10 min for Q&A). A formal talk addressing original empirical research or an original theoretical investigation. May include more than one presenter.
- Project in Progress (7-10 min. presentation: individual presentation + 10 min. for Q&A). A brief presentation of a research project in progress, followed by small group discussions of individual projects. Presenters may be at any stage of the research process and looking for feedback or guidance for future directions.
- Poster Presentations. A visual presentation of original empirical research, pedagogical application, or an original theoretical investigation. You will display your poster and be available for viewers to ask questions about your research during the poster presentation session. You will be responsible for printing out and setting up your poster in the designated room before the session begins.
All proposals must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another conference.
The deadline for submissions is Sunday, December 3, 2023. Submit your proposal here: https://uarizona.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_cZOa5IG7yGcFiMS You can also check the SLAT Roundtable website here.
Inquiries can be addressed to the Roundtable Committee members Dilara dilaraavci@arizona.edu, Gözde gdurgut@arizona.edu, Angus leydic@arizona.edu, and Mukaddes mukaddescoban@arizona.edu.
We look forward to your participation!
SLAT Roundtable Committee (Dilara Avci, Mukaddes Coban Postaci, Gözde Durgut, Angus Leydic)