
Nov. 17, 2023
SLAT is thrilled to announce that Dr. Ana Carvalho (Professor of Spanish & Portuguese and SLAT) is one of this year's winners of the Excellence in Graduate Teaching and Mentoring Award. This is the highest award bestowed by the Graduate College…
Roundtable logo
Nov. 15, 2023
The Second Language Acquisition and Teaching Student Association (SLATSA) cordially invites your participation in the 23rd SLAT Interdisciplinary Roundtable at the University of Arizona. The Roundtable will be held on Saturday, Feb. 3, 2024. The…
Oct. 4, 2023
Dr. Mahmoud Azaz, Associate Professor in MENAS and SLAT, has recently published his new book Instructed Second Language Acquisition of Arabic: Contextualized Input, Output, and Conversational Form-Focused Instruction of Agreement Asymmetries. The…
picture of Hayriye, Angel, and Kate
Sept. 20, 2023
SLAT is thrilled to share that “Narratives of TESOL Professionals: Experiences Navigating the Doctoral Program,” which is co-edited by Dr. Hayriye Kayi-Aydar (SLAT Faculty), Dr. Angel Steadman (Assistant Professor at Highline College, former MA TESL…
Newsletter image
Aug. 18, 2023
Check out SLAT's August 2023 Newsletter! You can find it attached below, or through this link:
July 10, 2023
Betsy Carter, a SLAT 3rd-year student, received the 2023 Gutekunst Prize of the Friends of Goethe New York. Betsy received the prize for her translation of an excerpt from Simone Sharbert's novel Rosa in Grau: Eine Heimsuchung. Please go here to…
July 10, 2023
Congratulations to Dr. Wenhao Diao for receiving a STARTALK Grant for 2023-2025! This award totals $340,206, and will allow Dr. Diao to prepare and implement a summer Chinese immersion camp for students in grads 10 - 12, and the first two years of…
Combined photo
May 1, 2023
SLAT is proud to announce that three of our wonderful faculty members - Dr. Suzanne Panferov Reese, Dr. Chantelle Warner, and Dr. Miquel Simonet, have all received well-deserved promotions to Full Professor. Please join us in congratulating all…
picture of Dr. Kathy Short
April 28, 2023
SLAT is proud to announce that Dr. Kathy Short, Professor in the Department of TLS and in the SLAT Program, has been named as one of the newest University of Arizona Regents Professors. The Arizona Board of Regents confirmed the appointment of Dr.…
April 24, 2023
SLAT is pleased to announce that Dr. Jill Castek (Professor in the Department of TLS and the SLAT Program), SLAT Major students Veronica Oguilve and Onur Ural, SLAT Minor student Yousra Abourehab, and two other University of Arizona students Wen Wen…