
Atkinson, Dwight

Home Department: English

SLAT Areas of Specialization: Cognitive Dimensions of L2 Learning, Instructional Dimensions of L2 Learning, Linguistic Dimensions of L2 Learning

Dwight Atkinson is an applied linguist and second language educator who specializes in writing, qualitative research approaches, and second language acquisition. Current projects include developing a “sociocognitive” approach to second language acquisition and research on the experiences of vernacular language-schooled students in English-language universities in India.

Dr. Atkinson’s past work has ranged widely, from the history of medical and scientific research writing in English, to critiques of concepts in writing instruction such as critical thinking and voice, to explorations of the concept of culture, to writings on qualitative research methods. Atkinson teaches courses in applied linguistics and second language acquisition at the University of Arizona.

Atkinson, D. (2015). Writing across cultures: 'Culture' in second language writing studies. In F. Sharifian (ed.), Routledge Handbook of Language and Culture (pp. 417-430). London: Routledge.

Atkinson, D. (2014). Language learning in mindbodyworld: A sociocognitive approach to second language acquisition. Language Teaching, 47, 467-483.

Atkinson, D., & Matsuda, P. K. (2013). Intercultural rhetoric – a conversation: The sequel. In D. Belcher & G. Nelson (eds.), Critical and Corpus-based Approaches to Intercultural Rhetoric (pp. 227-247). Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.

Atkinson, D., & Sohn, J. (2013). Culture from the bottom up. TESOL Quarterly, 47, 669-693.

Area of Specialization
Cognitive dimensions of L2 learning
Instructional dimensions of L2 learning
Linguistic dimensions of L2 learning

Currently Teaching

ENGL 580 – Second Language Writing

This course provides an introduction to the teaching of second, foreign, or additional language (L2) writing in diverse contexts. Through readings, discussions, and activities, you will develop your understanding of the theory, research, and practice of L2 writing. We will explore a range of issues, including L2 writing development, culture and identity, pedagogical approaches, course design, feedback on student writing, and writing assessment. While we will work to develop familiarity with L2 writing research and theory and its inter-relations with L1 composition, the course will be grounded in practical and hands-on work with the goal of building your pedagogical knowledge as well as tools and strategies for working with second language writers across settings.